Happy Valentine’s Day! My Favourite Literary Couples!

I have read a lot of books and there are definitely some couples that stand out more than others in my literary memory. I’ve scoured through my collection and picked out some of my favourite couples in honor of Valentine’s Day! I can’t write too much about each pairing because I really don’t want to […]

Favourite Author Spotlight – Amelia Atwater-Rhodes

Amelia had her first novel published when she was only 14. That was almost 20 years ago now and she has since written 16 more novels. I’m going to be honest and say that I haven’t read all of her books, I didn’t even like ALL of the ones that I did read, but I […]

Favourite Author Spotlight – Michelle Moran

Michelle is one of my favourite historical fiction authors. She has written 3 books on Egypt, 2 on France and 1 on India. So far. Her first novel is Nefertiti, which focuses on the immensely interesting period of Egyptian history where their traditional religion, art style, etc. was shunted to the side and all new […]

Favourite Books

I love historical fiction. It’s been my favourite genre since I hit a reading level that actually had historical fiction. The series that solidified my love of historical fiction was the Royal Diaries, which are a branch of the Dear America books. The first two installments; Elizabeth I: Red Rose of the House of Tudor […]