Continuing on with our October Freaky Fridays I’m expanding my list to all of Canada this time. I haven’t been to most of the sites on the common lists, but I definitely want to, not only for the haunted aspect, but because of their historical significance.
There are five specific locations that I’ve been to that appear on the lists and those are; Craigdarroch Castle (Victoria, BC), West Point Lighthouse (O’Leary, PEI), Peggy’s Cove (NS), Fortress of Louisbourg (NS) and Skeleton (McBurney) Park (Kingston, ON).
The only one of that list where I experienced anything unusual was Skeleton Park, but that’s mostly because I was 10 and it’s basically grass laid over a mass cemetery and renamed as a park. You can see the gravestones pushing out of the grass. There are plenty of other creepy areas of Kingston and if you’re in the area I highly recommend their haunted walk tours.
Craigdarroch Castle is a gorgeous building that was built in the late 1880’s. While it is not officially acknowledged as haunted by the Society, obviously everyone else thinks different since it shows up on almost every haunted list.
Peggy’s Cove is one of my favourite spots in Nova Scotia, but it is also extremely dangerous and it’s very easy to get swept out to sea. I would definitely not be surprised if there were ghosts here of people who ignore the danger and the signs and end up drowning before they can be rescued. On top of that there was a plane crash not far from the cove in 1998 that resulted in the death of over 200 people.
Fortress of Louisbourg, like any spot associated with warfare, is going to have its share of haunting stories. They even have a ghost tour, which I unfortunately didn’t get to experience since we went off season. The ghosts here are all uniquely different, including a baby, a sea captain, a nurse and an apparently malicious entity that likes to move heavy objects.
The West Point Lighthouse, while beautiful, was not a spot we experienced any hauntings. Though, to be fair, it was just recently closed for season so we didn’t get to go inside, but I’ll have to plan another trip here and see what’s what.
Thanks for stopping by!