World Changing Women – Fannie Lou Hamer

Fannie is the first of many, many women I am going to be covering in a new blog series I’ve just started called World Changing Women. Every Wednesday from now until the end of 2017 (probably longer still, but I’ve only planned up until then so far) I will be featuring extraordinary women who have […]

Travel Tuesdays! Japan (part 1)

Hey guys! Welcome to Travel Tuesdays! Today we are checking out some adorable stops in Japan with Danielle 🙂 She lived in Fukushima for several years and gives us some inside scoops on Japan. Thanks for stopping by! -Erin

Catching up

I’ve been sick for over two weeks and also dealing with a sick husband towards the tail end. I’ve gotten next to nothing done. It’s incredibly frustrating, because I want to write and behind the fog of exhaustion, fever and sniffles, there’s a story ready to pour out, but I can’t quite grab it. I […]

Warrior Women – World War 1

Today is Remembrance Day, a day in which we remember all of the wars and those who fought/contributed, but most specifically the end of The Great War on November 11, 1918. It seems so long ago, but not even a century has passed since that day. There are many other wars that have occurred since […]

Warrior Women – WW2

War is always an interesting time for the world. The World Wars were major turning points in history, culture and technology and there are some people who stand out above the crowd in terms of their contributions. With that in mind I want to introduce you to some female warriors from World War II that […]

America, you threw away your shot

America, you’ve broken my heart. I never thought I would see this in my lifetime. I never thought I would see a man who has spewed nothing but hate be voted into the presidency. I sat and cried as I watched the last of the polls come in. I can’t imagine what marginalized groups are […]

History Has It’s Eyes On You – Election Day

Guys, it’s Election Day in the USA and I know I’m not the only person outside that country that is watching and waiting to see how it turns out. It’s been a long and oftentimes ridiculous road to this day. I’m just really hoping that all the fear-mongering doesn’t win out. I’m watching the votes […]

Back to writing!

I almost forgot how much I love writing until I couldn’t do it for a while. Over a week without writing made me a little crazy, but I was sick with a flu (I assume) and my fevered brain just refused to focus long enough to get out more than a couple sentences. It drove me […]

The Fight for Pants

When you get dressed you probably put on some form of pants and a top. What if you weren’t allowed to? If you live in certain areas, are part of certain communities/religions/cultures or work in certain jobs, pants may be frowned upon or even entirely banned. As far as religion goes it is usually only […]

History and Culture – The Slava

I learned about the tradition of the slava just recently from the illustrator of my next children’s book, Julijana. She lives in Serbia where the practice of the slava originates. It is essentially a feast day, but is unique to each family, in celebration of their patron saint. The tradition is patrilineal, moved through families […]