The Magic of Music

When I write music is usually involved. Partly as a source of inspiration and partly to help get my mind in the mood of the scene I’m working on. You can also find some pretty fun and interesting songs when you’re searching by a random name without care for genre. Sometimes I’ll hunt down songs […]

Thank you :)

Sometimes when you have no ideas for a post you just say thank you instead. I’m so grateful for the support I’ve received with my projects. To everyone who’s helped out, bought a copy, told a friend, liked my page, followed me on Twitter, expressed an interest, etc. THANK YOU You guys are motivation to […]

Quick update :)

Just a short post today, I’m knee deep in plotting. Writing a second book in the same series is a little more complicated than writing the first. You have to be vigilant against inconsistencies and it takes some careful tracking of characters, events and descriptions. The next book in the Olympian Confessions universe is my […]

Magic, Deception and Sexual Assault

There will be spoilers to Maria V. Snyder’s Glass Trilogy and Joss Wheadon’s DollHouse, so be mindful of that when reading. I’m not quite sure how to approach this topic, but it’s been buzzing in my head since I just finished reading Storm Glass by Maria V Snyder. Now that I think about it, the […]

Creating Characters

Creating characters is a really interesting process. If you’re crafting a main character you need to learn everything possible about them. What do they look like? What culture are they from? What are their motivations, their likes, dislikes? How do they relate to other characters? There are two basic ways that you can go about […]

Works in Progress

Hello wonderful readers! Back in January I set down my goal to have another book ready to go within a year. I want to be accountable to both my readers and to myself. I thought that a good way to let people know that I’m keeping up with that goal would be to create an […]

Take time for you

Sometimes you just need to take a break. I try to work on my projects every day, but I make sure that I take a break when I really need to. If you’re sick, tired, worn out or feeling miserably uncreative then you’re not going to do good work and you’re not going to enjoy […]

World Building

I’ve always been kind of fascinated by world building and I get to explore it in-depth in one of my projects. In many cases the setting you develop is just as important as the characters, and can, in fact, be MORE important. The setting that you choose can affect your characters in many ways. It […]

How to Help an Author

Being a new author can be pretty hard. You’re relatively unknown except for your personal circle and suddenly you’re faced with the monumental task of getting yourself and your book noticed. Ultimately you could fork over a ton of money for marketing, but there are other ways to get yourself out there. Usually the ways […]

Working when you’re sick

Not going to lie, writing, or doing much of anything, when you’re sick is no fun. Suffering from a cold and headache for almost two weeks now has definitely slowed me down, but I’ve still kept trucking along as best I can. Seems to be the season for random illnesses and sometimes you just can’t […]